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5 Things You Should Know Before Becoming a First Time Home Buyer

First time homebuyer

Are you ready?

Embarking on the journey of purchasing your first home is an exhilarating milestone, but it’s also a path  full of  crucial decisions and financial

 considerations. You’ll need specialized knowledge to navigate the home buying process through the uncertainties, questions, and confusion… 

So, here’s the million-dollar question:  Are you ready to navigate the home buying process? If the answer is not a resounding YES! you’re in the

 right spot Let’s break down the top 5 things to know before purchasing your first home.

You need a Realtor® that you can trust!

As with any real estate transaction, having an experienced agent on your side can save you thousands!  Your real estate agent becomes your

 superhero by protecting your interest.  How?…by reviewing all the paperwork, guarding your best interests at every turn, and ensuring your

 journey is as smooth as possible.  Real Estate contracts can be complex with numerous clauses, timelines, and details.  An experienced real estate

 agent is well-versed in these documents, ensuring that you understand all terms and conditions and that your interests are protected

 throughout the process.

You don’t have to have a perfect credit score to qualify for a mortgage!

One of the biggest surprises with First Time Homebuyers is that they don’t need an 800 credit score to qualify for a mortgage. There are also

 various mortgage programs designed to help those with less-than-perfect credit. For instance, FHA loans, which are backed by the Federal

 Housing Administration, are known for having more lenient credit requirements.  Additionally, some lenders may offer specialized programs for

 first-time buyers or those with unique financial situations.  Ultimately, while a good credit score is beneficial, there are pathways to a mortgage

 even if your credit isn’t flawless.

How much home can you qualify for?

Your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio plays a crucial role in determining how much house you can afford. Essentially, it measures the portion of your

income that goes towards paying debts each month.  Lenders use this ratio to gauge your ability to manage monthly payments and repay

borrowed money. A lower DTI ratio signals to lenders that you have a good balance between debt and income, which can qualify you for a larger

 loan amount. Conversely, a high DTI ratio might limit the loan size you’re eligible for, as lenders may view it as a riskier investment. The ideal DTI

 ratio varies by lender, but typically, a ratio below 36% is preferred, with no more than 28% of that debt going towards servicing the mortgage. By

 keeping your DTI ratio within these thresholds, you can maximize your purchasing power when shopping for a new home.

Employment history is very important

Your employment history is a significant factor in the mortgage qualification process, as it demonstrates financial stability and reliability to

lenders.  A steady job with consistent income suggests that you have the means to make regular mortgage payments.  Lenders typically look for

at least two years of continuous employment in the same field, as this indicates a stable career and income trajectory. Gaps in employment or

frequent job changes can raise concerns about your ability to maintain steady income, potentially affecting your loan approval odds. However, if

you’ve changed jobs for higher pay or better opportunities, lenders may view this positively. Ultimately, a solid employment history can

strengthen your mortgage application and improve your chances of securing a home loan with favorable terms.

Save for your downpayment

Having a substantial amount of savings is a key element that lenders evaluate when qualifying clients for a mortgage loan.  Savings are often

required for the down payment, which can influence the loan’s interest rate and terms.  The more you can put down upfront, the less risk the

lender assumes.  In essence, robust savings can not only improve your chances of loan approval but also lead to more favorable borrowing

conditions.  Additionally, savings serve as an indicator of financial discipline and a buffer against unforeseen circumstances that might affect

one’s ability to pay the mortgage.  Lenders look at the **reserves** you have set aside, which are funds that can cover mortgage payments for a

few months if income is disrupted.  This financial cushion reassures lenders that you’re less likely to default on the loan during tough times. 

First Time Homebuyer?

I have lived in Our Hub City for more than 30 years and would love to help you navigate it’s real estate market! If you’ve read my blog site then

you know that I’m an expert on Hattiesburg the city and Hattiesburg’s real estate market. I have Complete Neighborhood Guides to Hattiesburg,

Oak Grove and Petal that I would love to share with you.  Complete the subscription information below and I’ll get you started on the road to

becoming a First time Home Buyer!


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