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Honoring Heritage: Reflecting on 15 Years of the African American Military History Museum

WWII Memorial Hattiesburg

African American Military History Museum
15th Anniversary

In the heart of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, a beacon of history and heritage stands tall, embodying the valor, sacrifice, and resilience of African

American service members throughout the ages. The African American Military History Museum celebrated a monumental milestone – its 15th 

Anniversary, marked by a commemorative program that brought together veterans, community members, and esteemed guests to reflect on its 

rich journey.

African American Military History Museum Traveling Trunk
World War II Memorial

Table of Contents

Honoring Valor

As the doors swung open to welcome guests, the air buzzed with anticipation and reverence for the occasion. Every corner of the museum 

echoed with the stories of heroism and bravery that have shaped not only the course of military history but also the collective narrative of 

African American contributions to the nation’s defense.


Honoring Leaders

One of the highlights of the event was the opportunity to hear from former team members whose lives were forever changed by their 

involvement with the museum. Their testimonials served as a testament to the transformative power of preserving and sharing the stories of 

those who have gone before us. From igniting a passion for history to instilling a sense of duty and pride, their experiences underscored the 

profound impact of the museum’s mission.

Leading the charge in preserving this invaluable legacy is Latoya Norman, the dedicated Director of Museums whose vision and leadership have 

guided the museum through its evolution over the past 15 years. Her unwavering commitment to honoring the past while inspiring future 

generations is a driving force behind the museum’s continued success and relevance.

Honoring Legacy

Among the esteemed guests in attendance were Frederick E. Varnado, Army LTG (Retired), and his wife Sheila Varnado, Army Col. (Retired), 

whose distinguished service exemplifies the enduring spirit of patriotism and service. Their presence served as a poignant reminder of the bonds 

forged in the crucible of conflict and the unbreakable ties that bind all who have served in uniform.

As the program unfolded, every seat was filled, every aisle lined with eager listeners hanging onto every word spoken. The palpable sense of 

camaraderie and reverence that filled the room served as a powerful testament to the enduring legacy of the African American Military History 

Museum and the profound impact it has had on all who have had the privilege of walking through its doors.

City of Hattiesburg Veteran of the Year
Frederick E. Varnado, Army LTG (Retired), and his wife Sheila Varnado, Army Col. (Retired)
15th Year Celebration AAMHM

Honoring Sacrifice


As the anniversary celebration drew to a close, there was a sense of gratitude and hope lingering in the air – gratitude for the sacrifices of those 

who have served, and hope for a future where their stories will continue to be told and honored for generations to come. In commemorating 15 

years of preserving and celebrating African American military history, the museum has not only paid homage to the past but also paved the way 

for a brighter, more inclusive future.

As we bid farewell to this momentous occasion, let us carry forward the lessons learned and the stories shared, ensuring that the legacy of 

courage, resilience, and sacrifice endures for all time. In honoring our past, we empower our future, standing as a beacon of hope and inspiration 

for generations yet to come.


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